It’s easy to go into a semester full of high expectations, only to fall back on the same routine by the second week. Sometimes, we expect to succeed in more than we can handle, and that’s okay! So, here are a few tips to help you meet your goals this semester.

Keep a planner -- Nothing screams organized like maintaining a planner. A planner helps you see when your assignments are due or when you have a volunteer event. A well-organized planner will help you achieve the goals you set for yourself!

Work ahead -- Too much free-time? Don’t procrastinate, why not get started on that essay that’s due next week? You never know when life might get busy and, by finishing assignments early, you can limit the amount of all-nighters you have to pull. Remember to thank yourself later.

Ask questions -- Don’t be afraid to talk to your professors. Email them or talk to them before or after class! Your instructors are there to help you. Also, don’t be afraid to go to tutoring sessions. These services are available to help you succeed!

Sleep! -- Please remember to sleep. A nap is not enough if you aren’t getting a sufficient amount of sleep. Sleeping will re-energize you, and, believe it or not, you will do better on your exams and essays if you are well-rested.

Don’t be afraid to say no -- It’s okay to skip a party or a student organization meeting once in a while. Don’t overwhelm yourself with responsibilities, make sure to prioritize your health and well-being.
The semester may seem like it’s never going to end sometimes but you can get through it successfully! Remember, you got into college, you belong here!
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