So, you’ve failed a class. It happens to the best students! Right now, you might feel really down on yourself, but failing one class is not the end of the world. However, you do want to make sure to know what went wrong in order to avoid failing a class again.

Did other things distract you from getting your work done? Maybe you worked too many hours at your job or took on too many extracurriculars? And, of course, maybe you went out just a little too much? Whatever it was, try to figure out how to manage your time better in order to pass the class next time. This might mean working fewer hours, taking part in fewer extracurriculars, or going out a little less.

Speak to your advisor or professor to see what can be done after failing a class. Ask about GPA recalculation if you retake the class. Maybe there are tutoring services that can help you pass the class next time. Or, if you don’t need to pass the class in order to graduate, ask your advisor about classes he or she recommends that can help improve your GPA.

Sometimes, failing a class means that you can lose out on financial aid or a scholarship. Make sure to contact the financial aid office to check the status of your financial aid or scholarship after failing a class.

Sometimes, failing a class can speak to a larger problem: maybe you should change your major? If you failed the subject because you had no interest in it, it’s possible you should explore other majors, especially if this course is an introduction or foundation class for your major.
Remember, failing a class does not make you a failure! You’re in college to learn. Use your resources to see how you can keep from failing a class again and learn from the experience.
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