You might think that the only job you can get during the holiday season is one as Santa or one of his elves. Well, that’s not true. Companies hire on a year-round basis nowadays, even though the process might slow down a bit during the holidays. However, that’s no reason for you to stop your job hunt. Here are some tips on why you should keep up with the job applications this holiday season.

Competition is low – Fewer people look for jobs during the holiday season because they don’t think that companies are hiring during the holidays. This allows you to get your foot in the door with a company because they are getting fewer applications.

Networking – Holiday parties and holiday volunteer events are a great way to make connections with potential employers. Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself to new people, you never know who might be an employer looking for someone to fill a position.

Job for the new year – Finding a job before the new year will give you peace-of-mind after the holidays are over. You’ll have a brand new job and salary in place to start the new year!

Seasonal jobs can lead to permanent positions – Sometimes, a temporary holiday position can become permanent so don’t be afraid to apply for jobs that are labelled as “seasonal!”
The holidays are a great time to lay the groundwork for your job hunt (or even land a job)! So keep your resume updated, send out those cover letters, and don’t give up!
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